Say No to Shin Splints

Have you experienced pain in your shins? Many people don’t even realize or consider the downtime that is required if they experience any problems with their shins. If you wait until you start feeling pain, it’s too late and you’ll need to spend some adequate time taking it easy and recovering (at least a couple months for full recovery).

So what exactly are shin splints and how do they happen? Shin splints are often a result of overworking your legs and not giving them proper support. Sometimes this happens from running and putting too much stress on your legs. Shin splints could also be the result of an injury that you couldn’t prevent. They are important and necessary to support many daily functions.

Don’t wait until you start experiencing pain because then it’s too late! Implement these effective tips to prevent shin splints.


  • Support your Calves – Your calves should be strong to support your body weight and if they aren’t, then your shins will be putting in extra work to support your weight, which is cause for shin splints. Start by strength training and doing calf exercises on a weekly basis to strengthen your calves and provide better support.
  • Stretch your Calves – While it’s important to strengthen you calves, it’s equally important to adequately stretch them before each run and each workout. Tight calves are one of the leading causes of shin splints, so you can take preventative measures into your own hands by making sure that you are properly warmed up before working your legs.
  • Use supportive Shoes – shoes play a very large role in absorbing the brunt of impact from running. If you don’t have good support for your shins and your feet during a workout or a long run, your shins will be receiving the hard impact. When considering which pair of shoes to buy for your workouts or runs, look for comfort, stability and support. You also want to make sure that the shoes you pick out will fit you well, so pay attention to size and fit. It’s understandable to gravitate toward a pair of comfy, familiar and old shoes to run in – but keep in mind those kinds of shoes often cause shin splints. If you’re an avid runner, it’s a good idea to replace your shoes every 300 miles.If you run occasionally or infrequently, it’s generally recommended to replace your sneakers every year.
  • Let your Shins rest! – If you are an avid runner, try as hard as you can to lay off and give your shins an occasional break. Runners place a lot of stress on their legs and cause a lot of shock to their systems. If possible, try alternating strength training and then running so that you aren’t running every single day. The low impact of strength training will be good for your shins and give them the break they need while also strengthening those supporting muscles. You may want to also consider low impact exercises like swimming or cycling.


These are all helpful tips to prevent shin splints and keep you pain free! While it’s important to take as many preventative measures as possible, it’s also a good idea to try nufabrx compression socks for the myriad of benefits they offer. Nufabrx compression socks release capsiacin medicine to provide ALL DAY  pain and discomfort while also compressing the calves and preventing any discomfort in your shins. 

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