Keep it Moving


Holiday in Movement

We're right in the swing of the Holidays and there’s no doubt that sometimes exercising is the last thing on our minds. However, with the seasons changing, and all the extra treats that pop up, now is the best time to get moving.

There’s no arguing that exercise is good for the body and soul. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate- intensity movement a day, such as, walking, running, liftings weights, cycling, swimming, practicing yoga or more.

If you feel like you’ve neglected to move your body lately, it’s never too late to start. Here are some helpful fact and tips to get you going:


  • Start small. If the thought of exercising overwhelms you, start with something a little less intimidating, such as a brisk walk around the block. As you get used to walking more frequently increase the distance and your pace, too! In fact, Experts suggest walking 6,000 steps a day to improve health and 10,000 steps a day to lose weight.[1]
  • Find exercises that you enjoy. There are so many online classes to choose from, including those from your local gyms and studios, free YouTube videos, ebooks, apps and more.
  • Create a music playlist with all of your favorite feel-good songs. This will get you going and in the mood to move!
  • Have a favorite podcast? Maybe limit yourself to only listening to it while on walks, while you indoor cycle...etc This way, you’ll look forward to catching up on it while you’re working out.
  • Did you know walking can help decrease the risk of heart attack, decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and can even reduce the risk of bone fracture? Additionally, brisk walking can reduce stress and depression levels as well as improve cancer survival rates.[1]
  • Challenge yourself to set a weekly goal and stick to it.
  • Grab an accountability buddy. Someone you trust to keep you motivated, and someone you want to help in return.
  • Find yourself sitting through the work day? Try dedicating a portion of your lunch break to a walk. Work in an office? Challenge yourself to skip the elevator and take the stairs.
  • Bring a friend or family member on the walk with you to catch up, or use it as your “me time” we all so much deserve.

Your body will thank you.

Two things you can’t get started without. Plenty of water and one of our capsaicin products for sore joints in the ankle, knee or elbow.  


1Weil, Richard, MEd, CED. “Walking.” MedicineNet. Accessed: December 26, 2012.

1 comment

  • Adele B.

    Great tips! Love to see how my nufabrx compression products can be integrated into everyday life!

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